Articles & Press Releases

Recent Articles

Register for ‘Meet the Experts’ webinars


Register today for the remaining Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) "Meet the Experts" webinars, including "Redo Carotoid Revascularization,” to be held May 20. These webinars are free for SVS members and residents/trainees. Nonmembers will pay $35 for each webinar. They are limited to 100 participants to permit an intimate feel and provide for faculty-audience conversations.

#SVSTweetChat: Connecting to the online vascular community


With social media having such a prevalent presence today, it continues to play a significant role in connecting surgeons, prospective trainees and medical students throughout the vascular community. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Social Media Committee has launched its newest initiative to keep members connected, the new monthly #SVSTweetChat series. Each month, expert panelists will share career advice, hot topics of debate, and innovations in the vascular field with the Twitter community.

Voting on bylaws, vice president begins May 17


Voting runs from May 17 to 24 on proposed bylaws amendments and for the position of vice president of the Society for Vascular Surgery. Immediately preceding the opening of voting, SVS leaders will host a Town Hall from 6 to 8 p.m. Central Daylight Time, “Leading the Way in 2021: An Evening with the Appointments and Nominating Committees.” President Ronald L. Dalman, MD, will facilitate the Town Hall.

Honor mentor with gift to SVS Foundation


Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) members can honor their mentors in a wonderful and consequential way by making a donation to the SVS Foundation in their mentors’ honor. Several members did just that for National Doctors’ Day, with $3,100 in contributions to recognize eight different SVS members. SVS members who would like to do the same may email the Foundation at for more information. When the Foundation’s new website—now in progress—is completed, honorarium gifts will be available online.

Stand up for Your Feet

Press Release

Stand up for your feet. That is the message from David Armstrong, DPM, PhD, a member of the Society for Vascular Surgery and a podiatric surgeon.

From the SET front: Through a patient's eyes


Winter time is never easy in the north. Ice, cold and snow make it tough to walk outside in Lansing, Michigan, during those bitter, dark months. So there is another, somewhat unavoidable obstacle in the way of SVS Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) app users as they bid to tackle their peripheral arterial disease (PAD) head on.

VRIC to be held at VAM


In celebration of the 75th year of the SVS, the Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC), typically held in early May, is moving this year to be held during the 2021 VAM in August. In a year when so much has been challenging, SVS president Ronald Dalman, MD, and VAM leadership considered how VAM could serve as a “homecoming” for all vascular surgeons.

SVS introduces ‘Meet the Experts’ Webinar Series


The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) is introducing a new webinar series, with the first installment set to take place this month. The "Meet the Experts" Webinar Series will feature expert faculty and attendees interacting in small groups for shared learning and an intimate feel. The four one-hour webinars will focus on topics that are relevant and timely to vascular surgeons who are operating in vascular practice.

SVS PAC has weathered the storm of 2020


The year 2020 was one of firsts and of resilience. We had a plague of biblical proportions; civil unrest; fiery political and racial tensions; riots; polar vortices, where it was literally freezing in the Southwest; and, last but not least, the looming threat of Medicare cuts, limiting our patients’ access to care and fee cuts to all of our practices. All of this within the last year.

Vantage point: The SET coach's perspective


“A good coach will make his players see what they can be rather than what they are.” Those are words ascribed to football coach Ara Parseghian, who guided the University of Notre Dame to two national championships in the 1960s and 70s. And that’s exactly what the coaches involved with the testing of the SVS Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) app, designed to help treat peripheral arterial disease (PAD), do. It turns out an app’s bells and whistles, and trackers and counters, can do only so much— the coach who helps patients through is integral.

Recent Articles

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Press Release

The following statement was approved by the Society for Vascular Surgery Executive Board regarding the United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health issued on Friday, June 24, 2022.

Prioritizing DEI Principles

Thanks to all of our members who have been communicating with us since the VAM. Though VAM 2022 proved to be our most diverse national meeting yet, and there is much excitement to build upon, we acknowledge there were also shortcomings as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).

Recent Articles

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health

Press Release

The following statement was approved by the Society for Vascular Surgery Executive Board regarding the United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health issued on Friday, June 24, 2022.

Prioritizing DEI Principles

Thanks to all of our members who have been communicating with us since the VAM. Though VAM 2022 proved to be our most diverse national meeting yet, and there is much excitement to build upon, we acknowledge there were also shortcomings as it relates to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).