The SVS utilizes a multi-faceted approach for advocacy with an overarching goal of protecting and advancing the interests of vascular surgeons, and the patients you serve.
To achieve this goal, the SVS engages in traditional legislative advocacy and lobbying with federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill, encourages SVS members to engage in grassroots campaigns via our “Voter Voice” system, and supports the campaigns of candidate and incumbent lawmakers through the society’s political action committee, SVS PAC. By simultaneously engaging in these core tenets of effective advocacy, the SVS has achieved several successes over the last several years, including (but not limited to):
- Mitigating scheduled Medicare physician payment reductions,
- Securing passage of legislation to address physician wellness, and
- Garnering significant bipartisan and bicameral support for legislation designed to ease the burdens of prior authorizations.
SVS members are encouraged to learn more about the Society’s various advocacy-related programs and take steps to become more involved today. Together, we can make a difference!
DC Update
Read the October 2024 DC Update for the latest news and SVS PAC activities.
Coding and Reimbursement
Learn more about Coding and Reimbursement resources to help your practice.
SVS On-demand Coding Course
See the details of our first on-demand course, titled “Surgical Modifiers in Vascular Surgery.”

Donate to SVS PAC
U.S. health laws and payment models are undergoing a seismic shift. The SVS Political Action Committee (PAC) works for vascular surgeons, and only vascular surgeons, to ensure that SVS members get access to U.S. Representatives and Senators in order to discuss issues that have a major impact on members and their practices.
Federal Legislative Advocacy
SVS has an active voice on Capitol Hill and within the House of Medicine and engages lawmakers independently and via a variety of coalitions.
Regulatory Advocacy
SVS engages in regulatory efforts relating to physician and facility payment, quality, value-based care, coding, billing, and practice management topics.
Grassroots Advocacy
There are few advocacy tools more powerful than direct engagement between a constituent and a Member of Congress.
Political Advocacy
The political action committee (PAC) of the Society for Vascular Surgery advocates for legislation that supports best practices for patients and medical professionals.
DC Update
The SVS DC Update is a monthly newsletter that is sent to SVS Members residing in the United States. This newsletter contains updates from Capitol Hill as they pertain to the vascular surgery specialty.
July 2024 Update
Coalition Urges Expansion of Graduate Medical Education Funding
The Graduate Medical Education Advocacy Coalition (GMEAC), representing nearly fifty organizations including the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), has commended the Senate Finance Committee's Bipartisan Medicare Graduate Medical Education (GME) Working Group for its draft proposal aimed at expanding Medicare-supported GME...
June 2024 Update
Physician Reimbursement Reforms Discussed by Senate Finance Committee
A recently released whitepaper from the Senate Finance Committee, titled "Bolstering Chronic Care through Physician Payment," has reiterated the need for significant reforms to the Medicare Physician Payment System...
May 2024 Update
FTC Finalizes Limited Ban on Non-Competes
On April 23, the Federal Trade Commission issued a long-awaited Final Rule on the topic of non-competes, voting 3-2 in favor of a broad ban on this practice...
- April 2024 Update
- March 2024 Update
- February 2024 Update
- January 2024 Update
- December 2023 Update
- November 2023 Update
- October 2023 Update
- September 2023 Update
- August 2023 Update
- July 2023 Update
- June 2023 Update
- May 2023 Update
- April 2023 Update
- March 2023 Update
- February 2023 Update
- January 2023 Update
- December 2022 Update
- November 2022 Update
- October 2022 Update
- September 2022 Update
- August 2022 Update
- July 2022 Update

Over the past year, the Society of Vascular Surgery has been working to raise awareness and advocate for vascular surgeons by spearheading two separate “Week of Action” campaigns to help advance SVS’ legislative priorities on Capitol Hill and to promote advocacy engagement across the SVS membership. The SVS utilizes a multi-faceted approach for advocacy with an overarching goal of protecting and advancing the interests of vascular surgery. This includes:
- Traditional legislative advocacy and lobbying with federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill,
- Activating SVS members to engage in grassroots campaigns via “Voter Voice,” and
- Supporting the campaigns of candidate and incumbent lawmakers through the SVS’ political action committee, SVS PAC.
During the week of September 26-30, 2022, SVS members had the opportunity to join their colleagues in collective advocacy engagement that increased the visibility of our priorities on Capitol Hill and strengthened our foundational advocacy programs. Activities included posting on social media, engaging in grassroots efforts, and donating to the SVS PAC. Over the week, members sent nearly 200 individual messages to federal lawmakers, spread our message to over 5,000 people on social media platforms, and raised over $13,000 for SVS PAC.
Later in the year, over the week of December 5-9, 2022, advocacy engagement activities provided SVS members with an opportunity to collaboratively amplify our messages on Capitol Hill via completion of their “Advocacy Checklist” and coordination of effort(s) with other organizations within the House of Medicine. Across all networks, we garnered over 10,000 social media impressions (“views”) and sent over 700 messages to lawmakers - the most successful SVS campaign to date.
And again, in late August 2023, we were proud to launch another Advocacy Week of Action! SVS members were once again asked to participate in advocacy engagement activities via an “Advocacy Checklist”. This week-long series of virtual advocacy provided SVS members with multiple opportunities to collaboratively amplify our messages on Capitol Hill.
Through these efforts, we have been able to engage with policymakers and the public and raise awareness about the importance of protecting Medicare payment rates for vascular surgeons. We will continue to advocate for fair and sustainable payment rates, and we encourage others to join us in this effort via future Weeks of Action, and other advocacy engagement opportunities.
If you have questions, please contact the SVS Advocacy team at SVSadvocacy@vascularsociety.org.