Young Surgeons Section


In 2022, the SVS approved a membership section of the SVS dedicated to vascular surgeons in the first 0-10 years of practice. The mission of this Section is to foster and accelerate the learning and career development of SVS members within their first ten years in clinical practice. The Section will achieve this mission by establishing an engaging and interactive forum that will enhance SVS efforts in education, advocacy, quality practice, ethics, research, diversity/equity/inclusion, and member value, with specific focus and attention to the needs of members in the earlier stages of their careers.


SVS YSS membership is available to any SVS Member in good standing that falls into the first 0-10 years of practice.

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining the SVS YSS, please email

If you are not already a member of the SVS, you may review our membership categories and apply here


  • Dedicated educational programming at the SVS Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM)
    • Additional opportunities to speak at other VAM sessions as a YSS member 
  • Discounts on SVS educational opportunities
  • Networking opportunities 
  • Participation in VAM Visual Abstract Creation
  • Opportunity to sit on SVS Workgroups 
  • Discounts on SVS Foundation Gala Tickets 
  • Opportunities to advocate for young vascular surgeons

Work of the YSS

The YSS strives to provide members within their first ten years of practice with opportunities to become more involved and to have a stronger voice within the SVS and the specialty. Since its inception in 2022, YSS leadership has worked with the Section members to accomplish the following: 

  • Strategic Board representation
  • Appointments Committee representation
  • Passing of the bylaws referendum which impacted the following areas:
    • Modification of the composition of the SVS Nominating Committee
      • An appointed YSS representative will sit on the SVS Nominating Committee going forward. 
    • Allowance of board-certified surgeons to become full active members immediately following certification, which gives full power to vote within all SVS elections.

Involvement in the SVS

YSS leadership has a goal to involve members within different SVS activities and initiatives across the board. See the list below to get a glimpse of the YSS involvement so far. 

  • Involvement of roughly 25 Section members within workgroups and committee liaison positions. 
  • Involvement of YSS members on SVS Town Halls 
    • To date, five YSS members have held faculty roles on SVS webinars and Town Halls.
  • YSS member representation on the Compensation Study work group. 
  • YSS member appointed to the World Federation of Vascular Societies. 
  • Opportunities for VAM involvement including the YSS session and RSOC talks. 
  • SVS YSS Audible Bleeding Series Launch
  • Input in SVS messaging and statements.

See a full list of SVS Member benefits here.

SVS YSS Steering Committee

Edward Gifford Headshot

Edward Gifford, MD
Section Vice Chair 

Laura Drudi Headshot

Laura Drudi, MD 

Rana Afifi Headshot

Rana Afifi, MD 

Edward Arous headshot

Edward Arous, MD 

Saideep Bose headshot

Saideep Bose, MD 

Nathan Droz headshot

Nathan Droz, MD 

Leigh Ann O'Banion headshot

Leigh Ann O'Banion, MD 

Carlos Pineda headshot

Carlos Pineda, MD 

Christine Shokrzadeh headshot

Christine Shokrzadeh, MD