Practice Tools
Hot topics and tools to help you manage your practice.
Smoking Cessation Tools for Physicians
Research has shown that smokers have far more surgical complications, and many surgeons are reluctant to operate on them unless it’s an emergency. The SVS Vascular Quality Initiative has put together a toolkit for physicians to utilize at their discretion. Access the resources to improve your patient care.
Practice Management Resources
Recently revamped and updated by the SVS Foundation, the new patient education fliers focus on vascular health and key vascular diseases. Find high-resolution fliers for reproducing at a quality print shop or quick-share versions for emailing or printing one at a time in your own office.
All fliers have writable forms on the back where you can add your own contact information.
Coding & Reimbursement
Coding is a vitally important part of your practice and it is always changing. Visit the Coding & Reimbursement webpage to access resources for you and your practice so you can keep up with the latest updates, submit questions to the Coding Committee and more.
Hot Topics from the SVS
To help SVS members meet the challenges they are facing in the evolving landscape of practice management, SVS produces a series of hot-topic articles and webinars to address specific issues of concern.
3D Printing for Vascular Imaging
From heart valves to blood vessels, 3D printing produces a replica of vascular anatomy to enable vascular surgeons to have a detailed understanding of a patient's vascular anatomy before performing open or endovascular surgery. 3D printing provides a visual of a patient's unique anatomy offering a vascular surgeon increased detail to optimize the procedure and patient outcomes. Watch the 3D printing webinar.
Surgeon Innovator: Startups, Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital
Have you ever wondered how physicians create new medical technology or how they receive funding for creating new medical products? Five entrepreneurs, who have developed medical products and received funding, will share the process of developing a company and the different types of funding. Watch the Webinar or Listen to the Podcast!
Hacking the EMR: Making the EMR Work for You
The EMR has a significant role in patient record keeping. Watch this webinar to learn tips to manage the EMR to benefit your daily practice needs; make the EMR work for small independent practices, including OBLs; how to manage EMR burnout; and a few tips to make the EMR work for you. Watch now.
New Technology in the Vascular Specialty
New technology, designed to improve surgical techniques, is rapidly emerging in the vascular specialty. These technologies include Blue Dop, which assists in determining limb preservation; Voythos, an EMR assistant; Cydar AI, which advances surgical visualization and decision-making to build a future where all surgery works exactly as planned; and FORS technology, which provides real-time 3D visualization of the full shape of devices inside the body without the need for fluoroscopy. If you're interested in learning more and contributing to the development of vascular technology, you don't want to miss this webinar! Watch now.
AI in Vascular Surgery
The world of AI is no longer coming; it’s already here. Is your practice prepared? Watch the webinar or listen to the podcast, to explore ways you should be using AI in your practice today, and get a glimpse of what will be coming around the corner.
The Value of the OBL for the Healthcare System, Patients and Payors
Vascular disease is on the rise and the number of patients receiving vascular care in the OBL is also on the rise. Research suggests the number of OBLs will increase at an annual growth rate of 7% through 2027. OBLs benefit the healthcare system, patients and payors. Learn tips for getting your OBL accredited; the value of OBLs for patients and payors; and why one physician started an ASC. Watch this webinar, hosted by the Section on Outpatient and Office Vascular Care (SOOVC/OBL Section).
2021 Coding Webinar
Watch SVS Coding Committee webinar to review the development of E/M changes including rationale; the E/M code set; how to employ the E/M changes to your practice; financial impact of E/M to vascular specialty and practices; and how the specialty can promote more favorable reimbursement strategies and coverage.
Physician Employment Models
Vascular surgeons are employed primarily across three practice models: private practice and group practice, traditional academic health systems and larger healthcare systems (i.e., Kaiser Permanente). Watch this webinar to explore the opportunities and potential limitations inherent within each employment model.
Hiring for the Right Clinical Fit
From Craig Southerland
Hiring for the Right Clinical Fit is a power point that summarizes tips and tools from the recruitment process through the onboarding process. The tips and tools include finding potential candidates, recruitment financial package, interview questions and integrating new physicians into your practice.
Credentialing and Privileging in New Procedures and Technologies
From Thomas Forbes, M.D., FRCSC, FACS, DFSVS
Credentialing and Privileging in New Procedures and Technologies summarizes the critical elements for initial privileges, defining a new procedure, a proposed process for credentialing and privileging in a new procedure and adopting the new procedure and technology into routine practice.
Email SVS with suggestions for future topics.
Branding & Valuation
We are excited to announce the creation of the SVS Branding Toolkit, a robust set of branding tools designed to help you communicate your role in comprehensive vascular care. These tools are available exclusively and at no cost to SVS members.
SVS Practice Memos
- Building Effective Partnerships Between Vascular Surgeons and Podiatrists in the Effective Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcers
- A collaborative effort between the Young Physicians Programs of the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) and the Young Surgeons Committee of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS), this memo is intended to aid podiatrists and vascular surgeons in the early years of their respective careers, especially those involved in the care of patients with DFUs. During these formative years, learning how to successfully establish an inter-professional partnership is crucial in order to provide the best possible care to this important patient population.
- Practice Mergers: Key Business Questions and Decisions
- Adoption of medical records technology is supported by incentive payments to physicians and hospitals for meaningful use of electronic health records for Medicare and Medicaid patients. This document provides a directory of useful online resources and key definitions.
- Marketing Your Practice Series, Part 1: Defining Your Competitive Edge
- Effectively market a practice. It is critically important to defining the competitive edge when beginning a practice, moving to a new location, or encountering new competition in an established practice.
- Marketing Your Practice Series, Part 2: How to Introduce Yourself to a New Community
- As a fellowship or integrated residency trained vascular surgeon, your skills in the surgical and nonsurgical treatment of arterial, venous, and lymphatic disorders provide a valuable resource to the community. Referring physicians in your community need to understand that by sending a patient to you, the patient will receive the very best in vascular care, including evaluation, risk modification, endovascular treatment or open surgery, and follow-up.
- Negotiating a Compensation Plan
- Learn how to design a compensation plan, pros and cons of various incentives, financial drivers in formulas, and recent trends in compensation formulas in private practices and hospital employed vascular surgeons, as well as a few negotiation tips.
- How to Start a Vascular Lab
- Start a vascular lab. The combination of practical experience, knowledge of vascular disease, and knowledge of non-invasive vascular testing makes the vascular surgeon uniquely qualified to interpret vascular laboratory testing.
- Start a vascular lab. The combination of practical experience, knowledge of vascular disease, and knowledge of non-invasive vascular testing makes the vascular surgeon uniquely qualified to interpret vascular laboratory testing.

Recent Articles

Coding and Reimbursement
Visit our Coding and Reimbursement page to learn more about the SVS Coding and Reimbursement Committee, as well as tools and education available to SVS members.