Section on Ambulatory Vascular Care (SAVC)

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In 2024, the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) announced the merger of its Section on Outpatient and Office Vascular Care (SOOVC) and the Community Practice Section (CPS), creating the new Section on Ambulatory Vascular Care (SAVC). SAVC will leverage the collective knowledge, resources and expertise of vascular surgeons providing outpatient care in various settings to foster innovation, education, research and high-quality patient care. Unifying the CP Section and SOOVC strengthens outpatient physicians’ ability to network, mentor upcoming vascular surgeons and advocate for the vascular specialty. 

SAVC membership is comprised of physicians practicing in community practice, office-based centers, ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and hospital-affiliated outpatient settings. All physicians working in an outpatient setting, whether full-time or hybrid, are encouraged to apply. 


SVS SAVC membership is available to all SVS members in good-standing who are interested in outpatient and office vascular care.

How to Apply

If you are interested in joining the SVS SAVC, please email

If you are not already a member of the SVS, you may review our membership categories and apply here


  • Dedicated educational programming at the SVS Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM)
  • Discounts on SVS educational opportunities
  • Networking opportunities 
  • Opportunity to sit on SVS Workgroups 
  • Discounts on SVS Foundation Gala Tickets 
  • Opportunities to advocate for all physicians practicing in an outpatient setting. 
  • Subscription to the Vascular Specialist monthly print publication and the SVS Pulse weekly electronic newsletter
  • Access to SVSConnect, a member-exclusive online space for collaboration, engagement and communication amongst other vascular professionals.

Read more about the creation of the section from this Vascular Specialist article.



Please contact SAVC at or 312-334-2349.