The Journal of Vascular Surgery has been the official publication of SVS since 1984. JVS now has four additional subspecialty publications.

The Journal of Vascular Surgery has been the official publication of SVS since 1984. JVS now has four additional subspecialty publications, JVS Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, JVS - Vascular Science, JVS Cases, Innovations and Techniques and JVS-Vascular Insights.
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The Journal of Vascular Surgery® (JVS) is the official journal of the Society for Vascular Surgery® (SVS). Since the first issue was released in 1984, JVS has offered vascular, cardiothoracic, and general surgeons with original, peer-reviewed articles.

JVS-VL aims to be the premier international journal of medical, endovascular and surgical care of venous and lymphatic disorders.

JVS-CIT aims to be the premier international journal of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of vascular diseases by publishing high-quality case reports, articles on innovations and on endovascular and surgical techniques.

JVS-VS aims to be the premier international journal publishing “bench-to-bedside” experimental and translational research underlying modern medical, endovascular and surgical investigation and management of vascular diseases.

JVS-Vascular Insights (JVS-VI) is the latest companion journal to the Journal of Vascular Surgery, the premier international journal of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of patients with vascular disease.
Declaration of Generative AI in Scientific Writing
The Journal of Vascular Surgery publications have adopted a policy regarding the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process. Authors should only use these technologies to improve readability and language.
JVS-Audible Bleeding Postcast
Audible Bleeding and JVS publications have partnered up to provide listeners with more content every month! Listen to the new episodes that feature JVS.