JVS: Vascular Insights

JVS-Vascular Insights (JVS-VI) is the latest companion journal to the Journal of Vascular Surgery, the premier international journal of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of patients with vascular disease. JVS-Vascular Insights is committed to publishing high-quality research in vascular surgery, including practice management, business and ethical aspects of vascular surgical practice, education, and DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion), as well as traditional clinical studies for its readership of community practice and academic vascular surgeons. JVS-Vascular Insights aims to provide a venue for both long-form research (e.g., clinical papers, review articles and meta-analyses) and early-stage or hypothesis-generating work (e.g., emerging data, trial protocols, pilot studies, community surgical reports). Case reports, small case series, innovation, and technique articles should be submitted to JVS-Cases, Innovations & Techniques. Authors considering submitting their work for publication are encouraged to include digital media such as graphical abstracts and any relevant supplemental content to facilitate open data sharing and transparency-in line with the journal's open science approach.
JVS-Vascular Insights is a fully open access member of the JVS journals portfolio, which also includes the flagship Journal of Vascular Surgery and the specialty journals JVS-Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, JVS-Cases, Innovations & Techniques, and JVS-Vascular Science. All JVS Journals operate within the same transfer article network, which allows the Editors, at their discretion, to recommend manuscript transfer to any of the other four JVS Journals.