JVS: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders
The Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders aims to be the premier international journal of medical, endovascular and surgical care of venous and lymphatic disorders. It publishes high-quality clinical research, techniques, and practice manuscripts related to all aspects of venous and lymphatic disorders, including malformations and wound care, with an emphasis on the practicing clinician.

Published 6 times annually
Online only
2022 Impact Factor: 3.2
A Message from the JVS Editorial Team
We are pleased to inform you that the Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders (JVS:VL) will be open access as of January 2024. Stay up-to-date on all the latest research by signing up for regular content alerts today (see link below).
Continue to enjoy all your current JVS:VL benefits in addition to these exclusive online features:
- The Visual Abstract Gallery: Scroll through the expertly produced abstracts in JVS:VL to gain a better understanding of selected published articles and quickly identify which are most relevant to your research interests.
- The JVS Online Journal Club: Through active presentation and participation in this completely online Journal Club, we educate vascular surgical trainees in the interpretation of high-level clinical and basic science articles and how to appropriately apply the information to clinical practice and future research.
- “Audible Bleeding” Podcast: This audible resource for trainees and practicing vascular surgeons focuses on interviews with leaders in the field, board preparation, and dissemination of best clinical practices and high-impact innovations in vascular surgery.