
Deep in to the second half of the year, there is no rest for the weary regarding SVS advocacy initiatives. Following the July release of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CY2023 proposed rule to revise payment policies under the Medicare physician fee schedule, we are now poised to fight yet another round of payment cuts that could significantly impact vascular surgery. Having submitted a detailed comment letter to CMS at the start of this month, we are now re-doubling our efforts to engage lawmakers on the Capitol Hill and ensure policies to mitigate the pending cuts are included in must-pass legislation before the end of the year.
The SVS utilizes a multi-faceted approach for advocacy with an overarching goal of protecting and advancing the interests of vascular surgery. This includes:
- Traditional legislative advocacy and lobbying with federal lawmakers on Capitol Hill,
- Activating SVS members to engage in grassroots campaigns via “Voter Voice,” and
- Supporting the campaigns of candidate and incumbent lawmakers through the SVS’ political action committee, SVS PAC.
By simultaneously engaging in these core tenets of effective advocacy, the SVS has achieved several successes over the last several years, including (but not limited to):
- Mitigating scheduled Medicare physician payment reductions,
- Securing passage of legislation to address physician wellness, and
- Garnering significant bipartisan and bicameral support for legislation designed to ease the burdens of prior authorizations.
To double-down on these efforts, the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Advocacy Council is spearheading a “Week of Action” to help advance SVS’ legislative priorities on Capitol Hill and to promote advocacy engagement across the SVS membership. During the week of September 26-30, SVS members will have the opportunity to join their colleagues in collective advocacy engagement that will increase the visibility of our priorities on Capitol Hill and strengthen our foundational advocacy programs.
Get ready to participate in this week-long virtual advocacy engagement campaign!
Day Four: Political Action Committee
Check back in at the end of the week to keep engaging and learn more about our collective impact!
For any questions, contact SVSAdvocacy@vascularsociety.org.

Donate to SVS PAC
U.S. health laws and payment models are undergoing a seismic shift. The SVS Political Action Committee (PAC) works for vascular surgeons, and only vascular surgeons, to ensure that SVS members get access to U.S. Representatives and Senators in order to discuss issues that have a major impact on members and their practices.