2023 Proposed SVS Bylaws Changes
Voting closed on 11:59 p.m. EST on Nov. 19.
In accordance with SVS Bylaws the SVS Executive Board may propose changes to Bylaws, and upon 50% approval of the Strategic Board of Directors (SBOD), may proceed to a referendum of the Voting Membership to ratify any such changes following 30-days official notice.
An eblast was sent the afternoon of Oct. 4, 2023, to serve as official notice to the Membership that the Executive Board has proposed, and the SBOD has approved, moving two fundamental changes to the voting membership in a referendum. The first is in SVS bylaws-Article III, relating to Membership; and the second is in Articles V and VII, relating to the composition of the Executive Board, which includes both elected and appointed members.
- Article III Changes: Establishing “Early Active” Membership
These bylaw changes were initiated by early-career members with support from the Young Surgeon Section and Membership Committee to establish a process of “auto-transition” from Candidate to Active membership with a minimum of barriers or extra steps in the process. Because post-training Candidates are in various stages of transition the proposed change establishes a new sub-category of membership called “Early Active” with increased dues and enhanced engagement while preparing for and passing their Vascular Surgery Board Exam. Once their boards are passed, Early Active members are “auto-transitioned” to full Active membership within two years. The proposed change outlines enhanced privileges for Early Active members including service on SVS committees and the right to vote in SVS elections.
- Article V and VII Changes: Composition of the Executive Board
These bylaw changes were initiated by the Executive Board with support from the SVS Nominating Committee, to align Executive Board composition with current best practices for medical societies that increase diversity of perspective for decision-making and governance, as well as provide for greater flexibility and agility of the Executive Board to address evolving needs over time.
The Executive Board is currently comprised of six elected officers (three elected, and three acceding from previous elections) and three appointed members that are “locked” or designated roles via bylaws, for a total of nine members. The proposed changes expand the SVS Executive Board from the current nine to 11 positions, by expanding the number of non-officer appointed positions from three to five, instead of locking or designating them to a specific position, the "At-Large" positions will be staggered three-year terms. These positions will be appointed by the Executive Board from a list of nominees vetted by the Nominating Committee and prioritized by the SBOD based on identified priority gaps in expertise or perspective.
To make the proposed changes easier to understand, the SVS has created an infographic highlighting the key points. View the infographic below.

Please review the redline version of the proposed changes. Beginning Nov. 6, 2023, there will be communications inviting all Active and Senior members to cast their vote.
If you have questions, please email governance@vascularsociety.org.
- When will voting be open for this referendum?
- Voting on the bylaws referendum will open on Monday, Nov. 6 and will close at 11:59 p.m. EST on Sunday, Nov. 19. All voting-eligible members will receive notifications when the election opens.
- Who is voting-eligible in this election?
- All Active and Senior SVS members in good standing are eligible to vote in this election.
- “Good standing” means you are up to date on paying your membership dues. If you are unsure about your current status, login here.
- How will I cast my vote?
- Voting members will vote online. To vote you will need your SVS username and password. If you have forgotten either one, please visit the “My Account” page and press the “Forgot username or password?” link.