Articles & Press Releases

Recent Articles

CMS Releases Medicare Rules


The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has issued its CY2020 final rules on Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) and Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systems and Quality Reporting Programs (HOPPS).

Your SVS: Wellness Program Launches


The Society for Vascular Surgery has officially launched a member support component of its wellness program, designed to help vascular surgeons enhance their personal resilience and continue development of a compassionate and accountable peer community.

AAA size a good predictor of outcomes after EVAR

Press Release

SVS:- AAA size predicts outcomes after endovascular repair


Letter From the SVS Foundation Chair


Dear Friends,

The SVS Foundation is a fundamental part of our Society, entrusted with supporting programs that advance our knowledge of vascular disease and improve the care delivery process to our patients and communities.

Recent Articles

SVS member named to AMA RUC


The American Medical Association's Board of Trustees has named Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) longtime coding expert and member Robert M. Zwolak, MD, as the AMA alternative representative to the organization’s RVS Update Committee (RUC), and alternative vice chair.

Dig deep this Giving Tuesday


Will you give on Giving Tuesday? This will be the SVS Foundation’s third year marking the annual global day of giving— Dec. 1, this year—which follows Thanksgiving and the big shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Varicose Versus Spider Veins: Understand the Difference and Know When to Seek Treatment Help

Press Release

The vascular system is like the highway of the body – composed of blood vessels including arteries, veins and capillaries. Vascular disease is any condition of the almost 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the body; any complication along this highway can cause problems and health risk. In most cases, however, vascular conditions are highly treatable, often without surgery. Two common vein conditions include spider veins and varicose veins, but what are the differences?

Anatomy of a Branding Campaign: Making Vascular Surgery More Visible


Members asked; SVS listened. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has launched a Branding Toolkit to help its members brand the specialty in order to elevate and differentiate their practices. This first set of branding tools tells referring physicians what vascular surgeons do and why they are critical partners when it comes to treating their patients with circulatory disease.

SVS details opposition, support to CMS proposed rules


The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has submitted comment letters to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on two proposed rules that directly affect SVS members: the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systems (HOPPS).

Recent Articles

SVS member named to AMA RUC


The American Medical Association's Board of Trustees has named Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) longtime coding expert and member Robert M. Zwolak, MD, as the AMA alternative representative to the organization’s RVS Update Committee (RUC), and alternative vice chair.

Dig deep this Giving Tuesday


Will you give on Giving Tuesday? This will be the SVS Foundation’s third year marking the annual global day of giving— Dec. 1, this year—which follows Thanksgiving and the big shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

Varicose Versus Spider Veins: Understand the Difference and Know When to Seek Treatment Help

Press Release

The vascular system is like the highway of the body – composed of blood vessels including arteries, veins and capillaries. Vascular disease is any condition of the almost 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the body; any complication along this highway can cause problems and health risk. In most cases, however, vascular conditions are highly treatable, often without surgery. Two common vein conditions include spider veins and varicose veins, but what are the differences?

Anatomy of a Branding Campaign: Making Vascular Surgery More Visible


Members asked; SVS listened. The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has launched a Branding Toolkit to help its members brand the specialty in order to elevate and differentiate their practices. This first set of branding tools tells referring physicians what vascular surgeons do and why they are critical partners when it comes to treating their patients with circulatory disease.

SVS details opposition, support to CMS proposed rules


The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) has submitted comment letters to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on two proposed rules that directly affect SVS members: the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment Systems (HOPPS).