Gaining stronger representation for community practice surgeons

Jan 03, 2021

Beth Bales and Bryan Kay

Since its inception, the Community Practice Committee has been a valuable resource for surgeons working in settings that serve local communities. It has provided educational opportunities at Vascular Annual Meetings and, more recently, webinars in order to keep members upto-date on important topics. As an SVS committee, it has been successful beyond the expectations of the leadership. The SVS aims to make sure that community practice physicians continue to enjoy the full support of the Society (the December cover story of Vascular Specialist focused on some community practice concerns in the setting of the office-based lab).

office-based lab). In 2021, the chair Daniel McDevitt, MD, and the Community Practice Committee will undergo an unprecedented and exciting change, becoming a true section of the Clinical Practice Council. As a section, community practice physicians will enjoy stronger representation in the SVS leadership, including positions on the SVS Board and on the Nominating Committee.

The section will continue to provide educational resources through in-person events at VAM and via webinars and other newer electronic media.

Society members will also be able to specifically identify themselves as members of this Section. As Section membership grows, we will eventually enjoy the benefit of choosing our own leaders.

The SVS has made a strong commitment to community practice surgeons with the conversion of the Committee to a Section. We are looking forward to continued growth and the sincere involvement of our interested community physicians.

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