Articles & Press Releases

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What has SVS PAC ever done for you?



Imagine that you are telling your lay friends about what you do for a living. You have to explain the difference between arteries and veins. And then you find that you need to clarify that you do not, in fact, operate on the heart.

Technology drives vascular future



Decades ago, “picture” phones were an idea straight out of science fiction.

As the saying goes, the future is now. FaceTime and Skype are common; similar technology permits doctors to visit patients via telemedicine.

Gender Differences in Vascular Disease Require Personalized Approach in Care

Press Release

ROSEMONT, Ill., March 9, 2020 – Women’s heart health takes center stage as American Heart Month ends and National Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day are observed. The Society for Vascular Surgery shares the latest news on what women — and the people who love them —­ should know. Vascular surgeons are specialists who treat conditions of the vascular system, which impact heart health.

SVS PAC donations and Congressional committees of most impact


While I may be the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Political Action Committee (PAC) chair, I find I still need a refresher from time to time regarding the members of Congress serving on committees that deal with healthcare issues where the SVS PAC needs to dedicate the most time and resources. So, as the second session of the 116th Congress is now getting into full swing, I wanted to share information on the three major committees that deal with healthcare policies influenced by the legislative process.

VSIG webinar from APDVS coming soon


Much has been made of the impending shortage of physicians in the United States, with worrying predictions that it could be as soon as 2030. The driving force is a rising, aging population and an upsurge in chronic disease such as diabetes and obesity.

Critical Analysis and Limitations of Resting Ankle-Brachial Index in Diagnosis of Symptomatic Peripheral Arterial Disease Patients and Role of Diabetes Mellitus and Chronic Kidney Disease

Press Release

A large, single-center study published in the March edition of the Journal of Vascular Surgery highlights the limitations of using the resting ankle-brachial index (ABI) in the diagnosis of symptomatic peripheral arterial disease (PAD), particularly in those with diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD).

New registry to keep track of vascular patients launched


A registry to track management of new patients who are being treated medically for a number of vascular diseases has been launched by the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) Patient Safety Organization® and the Society for Vascular Medicine, in collaboration with the American Heart Association, fo

Zero hour: SVS awards nominations come due


The deadline is March 1 for nominating a fellow SVS member for the society’s Lifetime Achievement Award or Medal for Innovation in Vascular Surgery, and for applications for the Distinguished Fellow Designation.

All will be recognized at the Vascular Annual Meeting in June.

Wider VAM 2020 schedule unveiled


Beyond the always popular scientific sessions detailing research and presented from the podium, the Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) also stages more than 25 other educational offerings, many to smaller audiences and with questions and answers encouraged.

Recent Articles

Partnering with SVS PAC in fight over payment cuts


As 2020 brought both the prospect of significant reimbursement challenges for surgical services as well as the tremendous clinical and financial challenges of the pandemic, the SVS Government Relations Committee focused intensely on efforts to head off implementation of steep cuts to 2021 Medicare reimbursements.

Publications Committee braced for major change in year ahead


The Publications Committee is responsible for overseeing, among others, the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) family, the Rutherford textbook and Seminars in Vascular Surgery. After conducting reviews and interviews, committee members as a group put forth candidates for the editorship of JVS and Rutherford to the SVS Executive Committee for its final decisions, according to committee chair Peter Henke, MD.

Recent Articles

Partnering with SVS PAC in fight over payment cuts


As 2020 brought both the prospect of significant reimbursement challenges for surgical services as well as the tremendous clinical and financial challenges of the pandemic, the SVS Government Relations Committee focused intensely on efforts to head off implementation of steep cuts to 2021 Medicare reimbursements.

Publications Committee braced for major change in year ahead


The Publications Committee is responsible for overseeing, among others, the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) family, the Rutherford textbook and Seminars in Vascular Surgery. After conducting reviews and interviews, committee members as a group put forth candidates for the editorship of JVS and Rutherford to the SVS Executive Committee for its final decisions, according to committee chair Peter Henke, MD.