Articles & Press Releases

Recent Articles

Leadership Corner: Listening to and Enabling Others


It was my privilege to interview Dr. Alan M. Dietzek. He is Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut, current IAC board president, and president-elect of the Society for Clinical Vascular Surgery. As our series continues to explore "what defines success in leadership,” my charge for Dr. Dietzek was to focus on how he enables others to act and forms effective care and office teams. 

Letter from President Fairman Oct. 3, 2016


As President of the Society for Vascular Surgery, I am pleased to report that your SVS continues to grow and flourish in membership, programs, stature, strength and influence. The SVS is an organization of which we all, as members, can be immensely proud. Together we are the lifeblood of SVS, strengthening it with our ideas and knowledge, time, energy and leadership.

Dr. Michel S. Makaroun Elected Vice President of SVS

Press Release

Dr. Michel S. Makaroun, a professor of surgery and of clinical and translational science at the University of Pittsburgh, was elected vice president of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) at the Society’s 2016 Vascular Annual Meeting in June.

Dr. Ronald M. Fairman Elected SVS 2016 President

Press Release

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New PAD Reporting Standards Recommended


The variety of endovascular devices and techniques to treat occlusive disease has exploded over the past 10 years and critical evaluation of the reported results may be problematic. The Society for Vascular Surgery has released new reporting standards focused on endovascular treatment of chronic lower extremity peripheral artery disease. Recommended reporting standards for lower extremity ischemia were last published by the SVS in 1997.

Recent Articles

Online Community Will Connect SVS Members


The water cooler is about to open for conversation.

SVS’ new online water cooler, that is, SVSConnect. Our new online community is the place to be for collaboration, engagement and communication, not to mention enhanced services for our members.

Leadership: Spotlight on Vikram Kashyap, MD


 “The Truth About Leadership,” by Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes, describes 10 critical “truths” about leadership. In this latest column highlighting the evidence-based behaviors and attributes that define great leadership, we focus on “The Best Leaders are the Best Learners.”

SVS Moving to Rosemont, Illinois March 2019

Press Release

The Chicago-based Society for Vascular Surgery has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Rosemont, Ill., near Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, as of March 1, 2019. The SVS is an international, not-for-profit professional medical society, serving specialty-trained vascular surgeons and allied professionals.

Recent Articles

Online Community Will Connect SVS Members


The water cooler is about to open for conversation.

SVS’ new online water cooler, that is, SVSConnect. Our new online community is the place to be for collaboration, engagement and communication, not to mention enhanced services for our members.

Leadership: Spotlight on Vikram Kashyap, MD


 “The Truth About Leadership,” by Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes, describes 10 critical “truths” about leadership. In this latest column highlighting the evidence-based behaviors and attributes that define great leadership, we focus on “The Best Leaders are the Best Learners.”

SVS Moving to Rosemont, Illinois March 2019

Press Release

The Chicago-based Society for Vascular Surgery has announced it will relocate its headquarters to Rosemont, Ill., near Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, as of March 1, 2019. The SVS is an international, not-for-profit professional medical society, serving specialty-trained vascular surgeons and allied professionals.