From JVS and JVS-VL


From JVS-VL: Public Funding of EVA Reduces Costs

Publicly funded endovenous ablation has reduced the rates of high ligation and stripping, which in turn has reduced costs to the Canadian health system by approximately $42,000 a year.

VAM Session: Physician, Heal Thyself


Between billing, coding, keeping electronic medical records up to date and … oh yes, … actual surgery, vascular surgeons increasingly report feeling overwhelmed and burned out.

JVS Publications to Debut 4th Research Journal


A new Journal of Vascular Surgery publication, “JVS: Vascular Science” is planned to launch in early 2019, Drs. Peter Gloviczki and Peter Lawrence announced at the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Annual Meeting.

JVS: Statin Therapy after AAA Repair


Statin therapy can boost survival rates in patients undergoing repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, according to an article in the August issue of Journal of Vascular Surgery.

The national shortage of vascular surgeons


This year’s E. Stanley Crawford Critical Issues Forum addressed the current status of the vascular surgery workforce, its existing geographic distribution, the potential for a worsening shortage, and proposed solutions to ensure future vascular care delivery.