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Vascular Nurses Week Sept. 10-16

Vascular Nurses Week is September 10-16

Vascular Nurses Week begins Sunday, Sept. 10, and runs through Saturday, Sept. 16. In honor of our valued colleagues, SVS President Dr. R. Clement Darling, III, has written the attached letter (at the link below) thanking them for all they do. The letter also has been sent to the Society for Vascular Nursing.

Please print out this letter and post it prominently in your office. And of course, remember to let your colleagues know personally how much they are valued!

VQI: ‘Badge Buddy’ Improves Discharge Meds Compliance

The simple introduction of a color-coded card has helped two Texas facilities improve discharge medication compliance and documentation, potentially improving patient outcomes.

A poster abstract, "The Right Meds for the Right Outcomes: A Quality Improvement Initiative Focused on Improving Discharge Medication Compliance and Documentation Across Multiple Registries," presented the compliance problem and steps to mitigate it at the Vascular Quality Initiative’s annual meeting in late May.

The abstract won the inaugural Poster Contest. Rosha Nodine, BAAS, was chief author.

Your SVS: Task Force to Explore Inpatient, Outpatient Vascular Certification

The SVS Executive Board has established a task force charged with exploring the potential for developing a vascular certification program for inpatient and outpatient vascular care settings. Anton Sidawy, MD, has been appointed chair of the task force, which will integrate and provide oversight of two working subcommittees: one for inpatient and one for outpatient office-based care. Dr. Krishna Jain, MD, has been appointed chair of the Office-Based Endovascular Center (OBEC) outpatient Subcommittee. A chair for the Inpatient Subcommittee has yet to be named.

Education: VAM Online, VESAP4

The 2017 Vascular Annual Meeting piled on the events: six postgraduate courses, and only time to attend three. Concurrent sessions that – true to their name – were held at the same time. Ditto with breakfast sessions. So, unless you used a time machine, there was no way to hit every session at VAM that you wanted to attend.

Now you can see what you missed, or view particularly useful sessions again. Purchase the On-Demand Library, a valuable resource of audio and slide recordings of numerous VAM educational session.