VAM24 Honors Contributions to Vascular Health

May 22, 2024

The Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM) will honor the contributions and achievements of this year’s award recipients at a special networking event on Thursday, June 20, at 3 p.m. Central Time. These awards honor individuals who have significantly impacted vascular care within their communities.

Excellence in Community Practice Awards

The Excellence in Community Practice Awards will be presented from 1:30-3 p.m. This year’s distinguished recipients are:

  • Enrico Ascher, MD
  • Sachinder Hans, MD
  • Christopher LeSar, MD
  • Manish Mehta, MD

SOOVC Research Seed Grant Recipients

The Sub-Section on Outpatient & Office Vascular Care (SOOVC) Research Seed Grant supports innovative research projects that aim to improve vascular health outcomes. The grant recipients are:

  • Olga Bakayev, MD, for her project titled "Prospective Randomized Analysis Necessity of Clopidogrel Venous Thrombosis Prevention after Iliac Vein Stenting."
  • Brandon Gaston, MD, for his research on "Head-to-Head Comparison of Quantitative Frailty Evaluation Scores for Predicting Post-operative Outcomes after Ambulatory Vascular Surgery."
  • Chong Li, MD, for his "Multi-center Prospective Study on Heparin Dosing and Periprocedural Safety Outcomes during Outpatient Peripheral Vascular Interventions."

SOOVC Presentation Award Recipients

The SOOVC Presentation Awards recognize excellence in research presentations, highlighting impactful studies and their contributions to the field. This year’s awardees are:

  • Olga Bakayev, MD, for her presentation on "Hospital Versus Office-Based Laboratory Settings in Lower Extremity Endovascular Procedures: A Study on Fluoroscopy Time and Radiation Exposure."
  • John Fang, MD, for his work on "Factors Associated with Recanalization and Reintervention Following Below Knee Polidocanol Endovenous Microfoam Ablation for Great Saphenous and Small Saphenous Veins."
  • Pavel Kibrik, MD, for his study on the "Value and Limitations of Postoperative Duplex Scans after Endovenous Thermal Ablation."

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