Diabetes and Vascular Disease


Resources for patients, families and physicians

Considered one of the largest global health emergencies, diabetes is dangerous in large part because high blood sugar damages blood vessels. It also magnifies the effects of other health complications.


Letter from President Fairman Oct. 3, 2016


As President of the Society for Vascular Surgery, I am pleased to report that your SVS continues to grow and flourish in membership, programs, stature, strength and influence. The SVS is an organization of which we all, as members, can be immensely proud. Together we are the lifeblood of SVS, strengthening it with our ideas and knowledge, time, energy and leadership.

Peripheral Arterial Disease Resources


"Hardening of the arteries" is a common disease that causes arteries to become clogged with plaque, much like old water pipes can become clogged with debris or lime. The condition can cause heart attacks and strokes, but another effect of cardiovascular disease is peripheral arterial disease (PAD), also called peripheral vascular disease, which affects the extremities, usually the toes, feet and legs. If you have PAD, you most likely have artery disease throughout the body.