SVS Connect online community is coming soon
Before the end of the year, members will be able to connect in a big -- new -- way: our online community. To emphasize this linking together, we've named this new community SVSConnect.
Before the end of the year, members will be able to connect in a big -- new -- way: our online community. To emphasize this linking together, we've named this new community SVSConnect.
Due to popular demand, the SVS Foundation has developed a new set of patient education fliers. The first one – on Peripheral Arterial Disease – is now available and was released to coincide with PAD Awareness Month in September.
The Society for Vascular Surgery emphasizes not only education and research, but also public awareness.
A letter from the SVS Foundation Chair
Because …
That’s the simple – yet multifaceted — theme for our SVS Foundation Annual Report (just released and available at SVSF_Annual_Report_ 2018) and for our annual Giving Campaign.
Membership in the Society for Vascular Surgery is a valuable resource at all stages of your career. You receive:
Community and professional standing
In an effort to alter specific policies in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) CY 2019 Medicare Fee Schedule Proposed Rules, Society for Vascular Surgery leaders have submitted a 20-page comment letter with recommendations to CMS.
Active SVS members in good standing are now eligible to add the initials FSVS™ after their names to designate themselves as Fellows of the Society for Vascular Surgery.