2025 Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC)

Location: Marriott Baltimore Waterfront 700 Aliceanna St., Baltimore, MD



Mark your calendars, the Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC) will be held a few weeks earlier this year on Tuesday, April 22, 2025!

The VRIC emphasizes the exchange of basic and translational vascular science that stimulates thoughtful discussion and motivates participants to discover solutions to important problems affecting vascular patients. The VRIC brings together vascular surgeons, vascular biologists, physicians with an interest in vascular problems, vascular surgery trainees and research trainees in vascular surgery and vascular biology.

The VRIC will be held in conjunction with the American Heart Association's Vascular Discovery 2025 Scientific Sessions From Genes to Medicine, also held at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront (April 22-25, 2025). The SVS has teamed up with AHA to offer these two exclusive meetings in the same location and timeframe to help save attendees on travel costs; however, please note the VRIC and Vascular Discovery are two separate conferences with separate registration fees.

This year’s theme is: Deploying Multi-omics to Reveal New Therapeutic Targets in Vascular Biology.

Date: April 22, 2025
Last Day to Claim CE credits or earn a Certificate: May 22, 2025

By participating in this CME activity, the learner will be able to:

  • Enhance research techniques and clinical trials. 
  • Utilize a multidisciplinary approach to patient management based on scientific or clinical studies & guidelines.
  • Apply current standards of care in the management of vascular patients.

New and evolving topics may be discussed, debated, and explored during the VRIC. Planners and faculty must facilitate engagement with these topics without advocating for or promoting practices that are not or not yet adequately based on current science, evidence, and clinical reasoning.

As a condition of its ACCME Accreditation, SVS’s CE activities will not advocate for unscientific approaches to diagnosis or therapy, or promote recommendations, treatment, or manners of practicing healthcare that are determined to have risks or dangers that outweigh the benefits or are known to be ineffective in the treatment of patients.

2025 Alexander W. Clowes Distinguished Lecturer

Ulf Hedin, MD

 Ulf Hedin
Surgeon-Scientist and Professor, Department of Vascular Surgery
Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institute

Lecture Title:     
From the Rat Carotid to Carotid Plaque Instability - Translational Vascular Surgery Research in the Footsteps of Dr. Clowes


2025 Translational Panel

Masanori Aikawa Headshot

Masanori Aikawa, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Harvard Medical School); Yoshihiro Miwa Endowed Chair and Founding Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Sciences (Brigham and Women's Hospital)

Lecture Title:
A Systems Approach to Target Discovery for Inflammatory Vascular Diseases: A Focus on Macrophages in Atherosclerosis and Maladaptive Venous Grafts




Early-Bird Rate (through Mar. 11)

Regular Rate

(Mar. 12 & after)

SVS Member Surgeon/Physician/PhD



Non-Member Surgeon/Physician/PhD



Early Active Member, Resident, Fellow, Student, Non-Member Postdoctoral Researchers



Register Now

Registration questions or need to cancel? Email meetings@vascularsociety.org. Registration refund requests must be received by email by March 31, 2025. All cancellations will be processed after VRIC. You will need to check with your hotel regarding their cancellation policy.  

SVS Foundation VOYAGE Scholarships

Are you registering for the VRIC, in your first 10 years of practice, and a member of the SVS Young Surgeons Section (YSS)? If so, apply for a SVS Foundation VOYAGE Scholarship. You could be awarded $1,000 to help offset expenses to attend the VRIC. The deadline to apply is April 1. Applicants will be notified of the committee’s decision in late April.  

If you are not yet a member of the YSS, you can join by emailing membership@vascularsociety.org or logging into your SVS account and opting into the section. The YSS is open to members in their first 10 years of practice.

Learn More & Apply

Attendee Housing

Attendees can now make online reservations at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront through the AHA’s Vascular Discovery Conference housing portal by clicking here. If booking by phone, you must mention you are booking as part of the AHA’s Vascular Discovery room block to get the discounted rate. The $259 + taxes/fees discounted rate is available on a first-come, first-served basis through March 31.

Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, MD 21202, US


Email the SVS Education Department

Upcoming Meetings

2025 Vascular Annual Meeting

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center 900 Convention Center Blvd, New Orleans, LA