At VAM 2017, You Won't Want to Miss a Minute

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Why? Take a look at the schedule. There are programs and events scheduled from beginning to end, May 31 to June 3. Attendees won’t want to miss a thing. 

Re-intubations and Pneumonia are More Common Than Cardiac Complications after Surgery, Vascular Study Finds

A higher number of vascular surgery patients develop a respiratory complication within 30 days of surgery than develop a cardiac complication, according to a new study published in the Journal for Vascular Surgery, the official publication of the Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS).

Focus on Research: Apply for Wylie Scholar Award by March 1

Apply for Wylie Scholar Award (with Vascular Cures AND Foundation logos)The SVS Foundation and Vascular Cures together sponsor the annual Wylie Scholar Award, a three-year, $150,000 grant awarded to a promising vascular surgeon-scientist in North America. The 2016 winner was Dr. Ryan McEnaney, who is researching the development of medical therapies to unblock arteries for patients for whom surgical procedures are not an option. 

Committee Spotlight: What's Coming? Changes to ACA but MACRA Stays

While Dr. Michael Dalsing doesn’t have a crystal ball, he is nonetheless making two predictions in the wake of the November presidential election:

1.    Changes will come to the Affordable Care Act.2.    MACRA, MIPS and APMs, part of the replacement legislation for Medicare reimbursement, will remain and SVS members will need to learn about it.