Vascular Research Initiatives Conference Trainee Award

The SVS Foundation supports this award for trainees to present their research at the annual Vascular Research Initiatives Conference (VRIC). Top-scoring abstracts submitted to the VRIC by trainees will be considered for the award.  The submissions for the 2022 VRIC Trainee Award have closed.

VRIC is uniquely designed to foster interaction among top scientists of diverse disciplines who are investigating peripheral vascular disease and its treatments. VRIC is dedicated to stimulating and encouraging interest in research among trainees who are aspiring academic vascular surgeons. The meeting's exclusive and intimate atmosphere allows for the free exchange of ideas and development of collaborative projects equally among senior and junior investigators. 

VRIC 2022 will take place on May 11, 2022, before the American Heart Association's Vascular Discovery 2022 Conference in Seattle, Washington (May 12-14). 


Currently enrolled as:

  • Pre-med Student; or
  • Medical Student; or
  • General Surgery Resident; or
  • Vascular Resident or Vascular Fellow

SVS Foundation is invested in a process that assures diversity, equity and inclusion for our award and scholarship opportunities. We encourage enthusiastic, eligible applicants from all aspects of gender, sexual orientation, and ethnicity to apply.

Award Process

Abstracts submitted to the VRIC by trainees are scored by the SVS Basic and Translational Research Committee. Awardees will be notified of the Committee decision in May. Awardees will receive US$1,000 to support their expenses to attend VRIC.   

2021 Recipients

Elizabeth Andraska​, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Abstract title: Early Upregulation of Elastolysis Allows for Collateral Formation After Arterial Occlusion 
Mentor: Ryan McEnaney, MD                       

Luis Gonzalez, BS
Yale University School of Medicine
Abstract title: Role of Tenascin-C in venous remodeling following AVF creation 
Mentor: Alan Dardik, MD

Margaret Nalugo, MD, PhD
Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
Abstract title: Towards A Cure For Diabetes: Pancreatic Tissue Encapsulation and Implantation In A Novel Arteriovenous Graft
Mentor: Mohamed Zayed, MD

Sriganesh Sharma, MD, PhD
University of Michigan
Abstract title: Induction of the epigenetic enzyme KMT2A/MLL1 and Urokinase in macrophages after murine coronavirus infection contributes to hyperfibrinolysis
Mentor: Andrea Obi, MD


For questions, email or telephone 800-258-7188.