Carlo Angello Sánchez Montaño, MD, is a first-year vascular surgery resident who transferred from a general surgery program. He is a trainee at the Centro Médico Nacional “20 de Noviembre” in Mexico City, Mexico. He received the General Surgery Resident/Medical Student Travel Scholarship to attend his first Vascular Annual Meeting this past June near Washington, D.C.
Carlo Angello Sánchez Montaño, MD, traces his passion for medicine back to his childhood when he would accompany his mother, a surgical nurse, to her

workplace. His family encouraged his pursuit of a medical degree as he wanted to address the scarcity of medical representation in his hometown of Poza Rica, Veracruz, near the Gulf of Mexico. The support he received from his parents during his youth and his studies played an important role in shaping his career path.
“Unfortunately, we didn’t have a vascular surgeon near my small town growing up, and that’s one of the reasons why I chose vascular surgery. Just last year, the first vascular surgeon arrived in my town, and I would like to go back and do something for my community when I finish my studies,” said Angello Sánchez Montaño.
Throughout high school and university, Angello Sánchez Montaño visited small communities in Mexico, providing basic health care information and primary health care services. He holds his roots in high regard and takes pride in his culture, as he never hesitates to mention his hometown when introducing himself. He is currently a trainee at the Centro Médico Nacional “20 de Noviembre”, a hospital in Mexico City. Angello Sánchez Montaño received his master’s degree in Direction and Management of Health Institutions from the Anahuac University North Campus in the Huixquilucan Municipality, Mexico.
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is significant for Angello Sánchez Montaño, as he sees it as an opportunity to represent equality and inclusivity. He aims to inspire others, such as students from his small town and across Latin America, to pursue their goals.
“I feel very privileged to be in this position at this moment, as I'm learning a lot. I worked very hard when I was in elementary school and high school, and I was fortunate enough to receive numerous scholarships to be where I am today. One piece of advice I would like to share is to encourage other students from my small town, my country and Latin America to keep to their goals and never stop pursuing them. My advice to them is to be a good person and do your best,” said Angello Sánchez Montaño.
Angello Sánchez Montaño is heavily involved with the Society of Vascular Surgery (SVS) and seizes every chance to advocate for his profession. As an SVS social media ambassador, he strives to make a positive impact on his career and community. His aspiration is to educate others about vascular surgery and early detection and prevention of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Through various scholarships, including the General Surgery Resident/Medical Student Travel Scholarship, Angello Sánchez Montaño has attended conferences and events that have shaped his journey. He acknowledges the importance of paying it forward and hopes such opportunities can empower entire communities.
The supportive environment within the SVS has allowed him to connect with professionals from diverse backgrounds, he said. Sharing his own story and cultural heritage has been an unexpected privilege, driving him to inspire and uplift others in their pursuits.
“Thanks to VAM, the SVS allows all of us to meet people from different countries and come together, and I’ve never found a society that is as inclusive as this one. I can say that the values of the SVS and the SVS Foundation shape us as specialists. The doctors and nurses share a common vision of inspiring and supporting each other," said Angello Sánchez Montaño.
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