
The membership of the Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery (APDVS) includes the directors of all vascular surgery residency programs in the United States.

The purpose of APDVS is to address the educational, regulatory, and financial issues which impact on the education of future vascular surgeons. APDVS convenes its annual meeting and business meeting in the Spring. 

Officers in the society include a President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurers, and two Councilors-at-Large. In addition an Executive Council is appointed to discuss matters that will ultimately be presented to the general membership.

APDVS Bylaws

Download and view the APDVS Bylaws

APDVS Executive Council

View current Executive Council roster

Contact APDVS

Association of Program Directors in Vascular Surgery

9400 W. Higgins Rd.

Suite 315

Rosemont, IL 60018

Telephone: 800-258-7188
Fax: 312-334-2320
Email: apdvs@vascularsociety.org

APDVS does not share mailing lists of program directors or trainees.