VAM25 Call for Abstracts
VAM25 abstract Submission Window: Nov. 6-Jan. 8, 2025 (3:00 PM CST) | The submission window has been closed.
The Society for Vascular Surgery (SVS) invites authors to submit abstracts for the 2025 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM25). This premier event in the field of vascular surgery will feature the latest advancements in vascular medicine and offer a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their innovative work.
Authors are encouraged to review the following guidelines to ensure their submissions meet all requirements. In addition to traditional abstracts, VAM25 will also accept video submissions. We understand that creating high-quality videos can be time-consuming. Therefore, we recommend getting a head start by reading the guidelines to ensure your submission is well-prepared and meets all criteria.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstract Submissions
- The Objectives/Methods/Results/Conclusions sections are limited to 400 words total.
- Authors are not restricted by the number of abstracts and/or videos submitted. However, no more than 15 authors per submission are allowed. Ensure ALL authors are included at the time of submission. You will not be able to add an author after the portal closes or acceptance.
- Abstract submissions must be entered in the English language.
- Updates and edits to submissions can be made as needed prior to the submission deadline.
- Titles and abstract content may not include author, institutional and/or proprietary names.
- You must identify the following roles during the submission process:
- Submitting Author - the author who enters the abstract information into the online system. All administrative correspondence regarding the submission will be sent to this individual.
- Presenting Author - the author who will present the submission on-site during the session.
- Submitting and Presenting Author - the author who will both enter the abstract information into the online system and present the material on-site during the session.
- Co-Author - an individual who has contributed data or other information to the submission.
- Senior Author - the author who is primarily responsible for the research.
- New for VAM25: Senior Author Discussant- if the author presenting the paper is a medical student or trainee, a Senior Author Discussant will be identified and present at the podium during the presentation to answer questions on the abstract.
- Graphics
- No more than two images may be uploaded. MULTIPLE PANEL FIGURES ARE NOT ALLOWED
- (i.e., a single figure with parts 1A, 1B, 1C).
- Images must be the original, unpublished property of the author(s). Written permission must be obtained from the rights-holder to reuse any copyrighted material. Resolution should be 300 DPI at 3” wide or larger.
- SA-CME Question Writing Requirements
- One question; multiple-choice format.
- A stem, typically clinical in nature (but non-clinical stems), may be used when appropriate to test the particular content area.
- One correct answer and four incorrect distracters (for a total of FIVE possible answers).
The following are the program types. Please only select the program you are willing to present in:
- Plenary
- Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society (VESS): either the submitting author or one of the co-authors of each abstract must be a member of VESS.
- International Plenary Session: reside outside the U.S. or Canada.
- International Young Surgeon Competition: reside outside the U.S. or Canada; be 40
- years of age or younger; and agree to attend the Vascular Annual Meeting.
- International Poster Competition: reside outside the U.S. or Canada.
- Poster Competition
- Interactive Poster
Redundant Publication/Presentation Withdrawal
The work represented in the abstract must NOT have been presented nor published at any scientific meeting or journal prior to that year’s Vascular Annual Meeting. Failure to comply with the above rules will result in the abstract being rejected or later withdrawn. In addition, the penalty may include a one-year ban from presentation at the Vascular Annual Meeting, subject to the discretion of the Program Committee.
It is the responsibility of the submitting author or sponsoring SVS member to consult with the Program Committee prior to submission if there is any question regarding possible redundancy of the work to be presented. Direct inquiries to
Video Abstract Guidelines
Showcase your expertise in vascular surgery by submitting a video for one of two session types:
- Plenary
- "How I Do It"
Video Presentation Format:
- 5 minutes for video presentation and
- 5 minutes for discussion
A single author or group may submit up to four videos. However, if accepted, a maximum of two will be selected. Videos presented at other meetings will generally not be considered.
Submission Focus: Submissions should highlight a novel/unique approach or a core vascular surgical procedure. Topics of interest include:
- Lower extremity revascularization (including surgical bypasses)
- Open and endovascular renal and mesenteric procedures
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Open and endovascular carotid interventions
- Open and endovascular venous interventions
- Dialysis access
- Aortic arch, thoracic, and abdominal aortic procedures
- Management of adverse events
Video Submission Requirements:
- Videos must be high-quality, up-to-date, and provide a balanced topic presentation.
- The initial submission of videos should not include any identifying information about the authors or their institution, either visually or audibly. The title sequence should be updated for accepted videos to include author and institution details.
- In compliance with HIPAA, no patient-identifying information should appear or be heard in the video.
- Narration must be included in the submission for evaluation. Accepted presenters will be allowed to provide live narration during their VAM presentation.
- Submission to the Journal of Vascular Surgery (JVS) or the SVS learning management system is encouraged.
- All submissions must be in English.
Technical Specifications:
- Videos must be in MP4 format with a size limit of 250 MB.
- Videos must not be password-protected.
Take advantage of this opportunity to share your innovations with the vascular surgery community at VAM25! Submit your video abstract between Nov. 6 and Jan. 8, 2025.