Pink background with white VAM logo


The VAM25 program promises to feature the latest science and research in vascular medicine. This page will house any information regarding the VAM25 education program including session proposals and abstract submissions. Information will be posted as it becomes available.


VAM25 Online Planner

The online planner is your one-stop destination to plan your VAM25 experience. Visit the full schedule to plan out where you will be and when, and what sessions you can't miss. More information will be added to the online planner as it becomes available. Abstracts will not be added to session information until mid-May due to the embargo date. 

Visit the Online Planner


The 2025 schedule-at-a-glance provides a quick snapshot of what this year's meeting schedule will look like. If you prefer a basic overview to the full-detailed schedule found in the online planner, the schedule-at-a-glance is the place for you. 

View the Schedule-at-a-Glance

Register Now!

Registration for VAM25 is now open. Be sure to book your registration for this year's meeting by March 26 to save with the early-bird rate. 

Register Now